Monday, December 12, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland Photo Contest!!!!!!

December 1st - March 31st

This contest is to show off your photography talents. Patients we want to see your winter wonderland. The patient with the most creative winter photo will win 1st prize.

Patients remember it’s easy to turn your photos in. Here are a few ways to get your photos to us:

Mail them to: Century Orthodontics

Attn: Tara

410 Sovereign Ct Suite 19

Manchester, MO 63011

Email them to:

Send them to our Facebook page and don’t forget to like us while you are there.

Or you can just turn them in when you are at the office for your appointment.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Skate Party 2012

Century Orthodontics will host our annual Skate party, Feb 11, 2012. The skate party will take place at Skate Port Plaza. The Party will begin at 4:30 and end at 6:00 pm.

Bring friends family and enjoy skating pizza and fun. All children and patients will receive a Skate party t-shirt and a raffle ticket for an attendance prizes.

Our attendance prizes range from gift cards to movie passes and are always something fun.

Please join us!

For any questions about the party please call us


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Scavenger Hunt

Summer Scavenger Hunt

Century Orthodontics is hosting a summer scavenger hunt to all of our patients. The hunt begins May 1st and ends September 30th. All entries must be in before the 30th. The entries can be mailed, e-mailed, face booked, or hand delivered at your appointment.

Century Orthodontics

410 Sovereign Ct Suite 19

Manchester, MO 63011

ATTN: Tara

Scavenger List will be provided in each office

Rules as follows:

· Photos must be your own photos.

· Photos must be appropriate for all audiences.

· Photos will be shared in office with our patients and parents.

· Photos can be taken anywhere that you stayed over the summer.

· An extra point will be awarded for ever photo of you in your Century T-shirt.

Prizes will be awarded to:

· Most points

· Most pictures

· Best photo with Century T-Shirt

Century Orthodontics

Photos can be taken wherever you are over the summer. An extra point will be awarded for every Century Orthodontic T-Shirt in the picture.

1. Photo of the tallest St. Louis monument. 1pt

2. Ticket from sporting event or photo of ticket. 2pts

3. Photo of a parade. 5pts

4. Photo of our shirt on a beach. 10pts

5. Photo of friends doing “hear no evil, See no evil, speak no evil” 7pts

6. Photo of a street sign that makes you smile. 3pts

7. Photo of your braced, Invisaligned or retained smile. 1pt

8. Photos of things you shouldn’t eat. 1pt (Max 5 photos)

9. Photos of all the letters in Century Orthodontics. The more creative the font the better. 1pt per letter

10. Century Orthodontics written a creative way. 8pts

Hint: rocks, shells, play-doh, ETC