Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Scavenger Hunt

Summer Scavenger Hunt

Century Orthodontics is hosting a summer scavenger hunt to all of our patients. The hunt begins May 1st and ends September 30th. All entries must be in before the 30th. The entries can be mailed, e-mailed, face booked, or hand delivered at your appointment.

Century Orthodontics

410 Sovereign Ct Suite 19

Manchester, MO 63011

ATTN: Tara


Scavenger List will be provided in each office

Rules as follows:

· Photos must be your own photos.

· Photos must be appropriate for all audiences.

· Photos will be shared in office with our patients and parents.

· Photos can be taken anywhere that you stayed over the summer.

· An extra point will be awarded for ever photo of you in your Century T-shirt.

Prizes will be awarded to:

· Most points

· Most pictures

· Best photo with Century T-Shirt

Century Orthodontics

Photos can be taken wherever you are over the summer. An extra point will be awarded for every Century Orthodontic T-Shirt in the picture.

1. Photo of the tallest St. Louis monument. 1pt

2. Ticket from sporting event or photo of ticket. 2pts

3. Photo of a parade. 5pts

4. Photo of our shirt on a beach. 10pts

5. Photo of friends doing “hear no evil, See no evil, speak no evil” 7pts

6. Photo of a street sign that makes you smile. 3pts

7. Photo of your braced, Invisaligned or retained smile. 1pt

8. Photos of things you shouldn’t eat. 1pt (Max 5 photos)

9. Photos of all the letters in Century Orthodontics. The more creative the font the better. 1pt per letter

10. Century Orthodontics written a creative way. 8pts

Hint: rocks, shells, play-doh, ETC