Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2012 Scavenger Photo Hunt

The photos are in for the 2012 Scavenger Photo Hunt and we have the winners!

Maddie P wins for the most points!

Sam Z is the most photos winner!

Katie and Molly Mac D are the winners of the Best T-shirt Photo!

They all did such a great job! We had fun looking through the photos.  We would love to have more of our patients photos so please take advantage of all of the fun ways to share them.

If you are internet savvy and love to share your photos here are some great ways to.

foursquare-Check in
 twitter #centurysmile or tweet us @centuryortho
or email:

Monday, October 1, 2012

Going Pink!!

Century Orthodontics is going PINK for breast cancer awareness month.  In our office we will be showing off with pink napkins and saliva ejectors!

Patients who pick the colors of the month this month will receive an extra Century coin.

So if you have an appointment the month of October you have a great chance of getting lots of extra coins.
Patients can receive extra coins for wearing a Halloween costume, picking the monthly colors and for bringing in Pictures of your decorated pumpkins or holiday decor.
Patients that had homecoming are welcome to bring in photos for extra coins.  Please remind our staff to give you some extra coins.

This month marks the end of the toothbrush charity.  If you need a new toothbrush please donate a $1 to our charity to help Epilepsy research and awareness.  If you don't need a toothbrush but would like to participate you can donate a dollar and put your name on a butterfly.  The butterfly is the mascot of the Epilepsy research program.

This month is National Orthodontic Health Month!  If you know someone who needs braces, invisalign or any type of orthodontic care please refer them to Century Orthodontics.  Do you need a custom mouth guard for the sport you are playing?  We make them in office.